Sunday, February 23, 2014

Canon G16 VS. G15 What are the upgrades ?


Do you currently own the Canon G15 or a similar camera and are thinking of upgrading ? Let us take a look at some of the new features on the Canon G16 this way we can get a better idea if it would be a good choice.

The main difference between these two models is new image processor, It has a DIGIC 6 which is a upgrade from the G15 that had a DIGIC 5 processor. This means a High Speed AF system for maintained sharpness in a variety of shooting conditions.

Other new features on the G16 include Built-in WiFi and better video quality.

In case any of these new features are what you are looking for in a new camera we say that the all new Canon G16 makes a great choice. It is easy to use and the quality of your images will be amazing.

Please visit us online at for the lowest prices on a huge selection of electronic items.

Questions? We are happy to help. You can call us at 02035 149 372 and one of our trained professionals in the field will be standing by to guide you.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Nikon D3300 vs Canon 700D / T5i

d3300 vs

Nikon recently released the all new D3300 camera. Let us take a look and see how it compares to Canon’s recent release of the 700D / T5i.

Firs off, the Nikon camera has  24 megapixels while the Canon camera has 18 megapixels. The Canon 700D camera does feature a touch screen display on the other hand the Nikon D3300 features a fixed display, so we get more flexibility while composing our shot with Canon 700D.

The Nikon d3300 is smaller and lighter than the Canon 700d. It also has bit bigger sensor size compared to Canon 700D, the bigger sensor area gives better low light performance and improves on noise reduction.

So which camera would you choose ? Most likely if you are a Canon fan you will stick with the Canon and visa versa. The Canon camera does cost less as of right now but the Nikon camera definitely has more upgraded features.

They are both great cameras and whichever you decide to buy you can be sure that you will find it for the best price at

Questions ? We are happy to help. You can call us at 02035 149 372 and one of our trained professional will be standing by to guide you.