Thursday, May 14, 2015

Don’t Forget to enter our Best Nature photo Contest!

We want to thank everyone who has been liking and sharing our Facebook page!

We really want to give away the Brand New Nikon D5200 kit but we need your help!

We must reach 12,000 likes on our Facebook page before we can announce the winner so please like our page at and please share this post!

The more you share the faster we will reach our goal and be able to announce a winner.

The winner will be based on the best Nature photography.

Please send your entries to and please look below for complete contest rules. Good Luck!!
Best Nature Image Photo contest

Nature photography refers to a wide range of photography taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures. Nature photography tends to put a stronger emphasis on the aesthetic value of the photo than other photography genres, such as photojournalism and documentary photography.

- As described by Wikipedia.
Prize Nikon D5200 Kit!!

To enter the contest you will have to submit up to 2 images of Nature. All the images must be G rated. No images of sexual nature, promoting violence or any form of racial, sexual or religious intolerance will be allowed to enter.
Images must be at least 900px x 900px and not bigger than 1400px x 1400px up to 2 MB in size, .jpg or .jpeg format.
You must own all legal rights to submitted photos.
You will maintain the rights to all of your submissions.
You will have to submit a description of the image that will include: Description of the camera, lens, speed light. You can use Phone cameras. A few words about the subject of the photograph and environment you were shooting in.
Please submit at least 2 sentences about yourself.
Images can be edited in Photoshop or other editing software.
You will have to “like” our Facebook page.
Best work will be published on our Facebook page at and our Blog at
We will announce the winner when Our Facebook Page will reach 12,000 “likes”
You can submit your work to
Good luck Everyone !

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